Host Sponsor $10,000.00

Host Sponsor- includes the most prominent logo and text recognition on all event materials and advertising on Gala website page and social media platforms.  The opportunity to introduce the School Principal or Keynote Speaker during the Gala.  The Host sponsor will have the chance along with the Principal, Mrs. McInnis, to present the scholarship award to two deserving student recipients during the reception.  The Host Sponsor will also be recognized during the Gala and on all on-site signage including table recognition. Dinner tickets will be provided to enjoy the evening with ten of your guests which includes a choice of a Limousine ride to take you to and from the event or a room at the Delta Hotel the night of Gala.

Limit to 1 Host Sponsor.  Early enrollment will ensure logo is included on all printed materials (commitment by December 10th however all payments can occur in the new year).

Diamond Level $5,000.00

Diamond Level- includes second highest level recognition on all event materials and advertising on Gala website page and social media platforms.  The Diamond sponsor will be recognized during the Gala on all on-site signage including table recognition.  Enjoy the evening with dinner tickets which includes dinner tickets for 10 guests for the event.

 Platinum Level $3,000.00

Platinum Level- includes logo on all event materials and adverting on Gala website page and social media platforms.  The Platinum sponsor will be recognized during the Gala on all on-site signage including table recognition. Enjoy the evening with dinner tickets for 8 guests.

Gold Level $1,500.00

Gold Level- includes advertising on our Gala website page and social media.  The Gold level sponsor will be recognized during the Gala, on-site signage and receive 6 complimentary dinner tickets.

Silver Level $900.00

Silver Level- includes advertising on our Gala website page and social media.  The Gold level sponsor will be recognized during the Gala, on-site signage and receive 4 complimentary dinner tickets.

Bronze Level $550.00

Bronze level- includes recognition during the Gala and on-site signage and will receive 2 complimentary dinner tickets.

The generosity of our corporate sponsors and our school families assures the continuation of improvements for St. Alphonsus school and our commitment to our children’s academic excellence.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or would like more information, please call us at 204 781 6163 or email

Thank you for your consideration!

The Gala Committee