Nursery School Program


Our Nursery Program seeks to strike a balance between learning through play and directed learning activities. Academics will focus on kindergarten readiness activities. Students use the gym each day and are involved in art and music as well.

Class Size

Our target class size for Nursery is 18 students. The class has a full time educational assistant in addition to our teacher.

The School Year

The Nursery program operates from the second week of September until the second week of June. There are no classes over the school’s Christmas or Spring Breaks. If there is no school for K-8, the Nursery Program will not operate. These dates will be given to families at the start of the year and is available on monthly paper calendars, as well as on the school’s online calendar found on the website.

The School Day

Doors open for at 8:30 AM.  School is finished at 11:30 AM. We have an Afternoon Care option for families that need it. This program will run from 11:30 AM- 3:00 PM.  Families that need care beyond regular school hours can access the Circle of Friends Before and After School Program.

Ready for Nursery?

Students must be turning three on or before December 31st of the current school year in order to register for the program.  Students must be toilet trained to be ready for nursery.

Program Options and Costs

Children may be registered for the Two Day Program (Tuesdays and Thursdays)at a cost of $125/month or the three day program (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) at a cost of $170/month. As our fees are calculated for the year and divided over the ten months, fees for September, December and June are the same as the other months.

The Afternoon Care for nursery students is available  on a full time basis only. If you need care before 8:30 AM or after 3:00 PM, you can access the Circle of Friends Before and After School program. Fees for that program are found on that program’s page.

Full time afternoon care is $155 / month (M, W, F) or $110 (T, TH).

Nursery Application Form2023-2024 Afternoon Care on Reverse