
Kindergarten is a half–time program that runs full days on Days 2, 4 and 6 of the school cycle.  Our kindergarten program offers an excellent academic start for children, including literacy and numeracy experiences that meet the children at their individual levels and help them to grow from there.  In addition, kindergarten children attend music and physical education classes each cycle and have access to the school’s computer lab and other technology on a regular basis.

Alternate Day Program

On days 1, 3 and 5 of the school cycle, our kindergarten teacher runs an alternate day program for kindergarten children. The program compliments the kindergarten curricula and offers activities for students, including additional gym and computer time.

This program was born out of a need expressed by parents whose work schedules necessitated child care for non-kindergarten days.  This service can be accessed on a full time or part-time basis; parents are billed according to their use of the program.