On this page are links to some of the forms parents may require from time to time.
When you require one or more of the forms listed here please click on the relevant link, download the needed form, fill it out and return it to the school.
Extended Absence from School: Protocol and Form
Parents are discouraged from scheduling family vacations during school time. Parents choosing to schedule a trip during school time must obtain a copy of the Extended Absence Protocol from the school office or download it from the link below. The protocol outlines the expectations for parents, students and staff. Once parents have reviewed the document, they are asked to return the notification portion that is contained within it.
Authorization for Administration of Medication
School staff members must have written approval to administer any prescription or OTC medication to students. Forms for this purpose are available at the school office or can be printed from the link below. Medications must be delivered to the school by the parent along with a copy of the prescription and/or label. Due to possible adverse reactions to medicine, it is requested that the first dose be given to the student by the parent at home. It is also important to keep the school advised of any changes in prescription, dosage, etc. At the end of the school year, parents are responsible for taking home medication that has not yet been administered. The school will not retain students’ medication over the summer.